- Business Opportunity Night – Choose a night every two months (more often if you need to!) and have a piece of paper with the date and time and details with room for people to put ther names and phone numbers. Invite anyone who seems slightly interested in the company and any one that asks lots of questions. Use this night to talk more about the company and you might want to get a few other Consultants there to help if you think you might get stuck!
- Include your company in all aspects of your life… and enjoy it! By showing people how happy you are because of the freedom and luxury of having your own business you will attract people to follow you.
- Invite all your friends to meetings and promotional evenings. By not at least showing them the opportunity you are not being a good friend!
- When you do your banking, wear your name badge, dress nicely and have a catalogue handy. If you impress the teller person witht he money you’re depositing she may ask questions and be interested in trying it too.
- Know how your party plan company works, know everything about it! Nothing looks worse then when potential recruits start asking you questions and you dont know the answer! If your company has brochures or publications about it’s opportunity have them on hand.
- Don’t over hype your company or make it sound too easy. If it sounds too good to be true it normally is and you will scare people of with the thought that it is a scam.
- Be truthful, tell all the startup costs and don’t forget the ongoing costs. When talking about commissions talk about the most basic rate that you get without any upgraded levels or high sales targets. If they join up on false pretenses and fail the company will be blamed and not only will you lose the recruit but you will loose her and all her friends as customers.