- Give something away for free. It could just be a sample or something that you can get cheaply. Some of your guest will be sitting there thinking that you’re only there to get money out of them. Show them that you care about them by doing something special. Play a party game that is just about giving a prize.
- Spend a bit of time after the party going around to all of your guests and asking if they want any more information or if they would like to try a product again. A bit of special attention goes a long way. You could even get some extra orders and bookings from doing this.
- Presentation is everything. Make your presentation table look tidy and fabulous. Grab some snazzy fabric from Spotlight and some boxes of various sizes. Cover the boxes with the fabric and put some of your display on the boxes. The different heights makes the display look interesting. It also uses the room more efficiently and shows more products.